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Computer Science

About the Python Program Runtime Environment: A brief contrast between Conda and Docker

1 minute read


🐍 At least one thing is certain, I will not install Python interpreters and pip packages in computer systems, obsessive-compulsive means that installing different Python interpreters and third-party packages into the User directory is very “inelegant”, and at the same time, Linux will also download some Python things as auxiliary tools when updating the system, so I usually write Python is a new environment.

An Amazing Industrial PC

less than 1 minute read


🥳 I bought an industrial control computer from a second-hand e-commerce platform, and after a period of playing, I found that its performance was good.

Free Leek

FreeLeek: Extensible Financial Data-Push Backend

2 minute read


Recently I reconstructed my push financial message push robot, previously written in PHP, you can get some concerned financial news and fund, stock data, and push to subscribers through WeChat public account, this project as a demonstration of the use of Tushare Pro big data open community to provide news, with everyone likes to see Python WeChat public account template message interface encapsulation, Implemented a message surface timing push program ~ welcome leek friends to pay attention to this project and develop based on this platform o(* ̄▽ ̄*) ブ


OpenIE Machine Signal Analytics

4 minute read


🚀🚀🚀 OpenIE Project: Prediction of Tool Wear in Machining Centers Based Method on Deep Learning and Its Industrial Application